Lord, I've never lived where churches grow
I loved creation better as it stood
That day you finished it so long ago
And looked upon your work and called it good
I know that others find you in the light
That sifted down through tinted window panes
And yet I seem to feel you near tonight
In this dim, quiet starlight on the plains
I thank you, Lord, that I'm placed so well
That you've made my freedom so complete
That I'm no slave to whistle, clock or bell
Nor weak eyed prisoner of Waller Street
Just let me live my life as I've begun
And give me work that's open to the sky
Make me a partner of the wind and sun
And I won't ask a life that's soft or high
Let me be easy on the man that's down
Let me be square and generous with all
I'm careless sometimes, Lord, when I'm in town
But never let them say I'm mean or small
Make me as big and open as the plains
And honest as the horse between my knees
Clean as a wind that blows behind the rains
Free as the hawk that circles down the breeze
Forgive me, Lord, if sometimes I forget
You know about the reasons that are hid
You understand the things that gall or fret
Well, you knew me better than my mother did
Just keep an eye on all that's done or said
And right me sometimes when I turn aside
And guide me on that long, dim trail ahead
That stretched upward toward the great divide
Oh, bury me not on the lone prairie
These words came low and mournfully
From the pallid lips of a youth who lay
On his dying bed at the close of day
Oh, bury me not and his voice failed there
But we took no heed to his dying prayer
In a shallow grave just six by three
We buried him there on the lone prairie.

I loved creation better as it stood
That day you finished it so long ago
And looked upon your work and called it good
I know that others find you in the light
That sifted down through tinted window panes
And yet I seem to feel you near tonight
In this dim, quiet starlight on the plains
I thank you, Lord, that I'm placed so well
That you've made my freedom so complete
That I'm no slave to whistle, clock or bell
Nor weak eyed prisoner of Waller Street
Just let me live my life as I've begun
And give me work that's open to the sky
Make me a partner of the wind and sun
And I won't ask a life that's soft or high
Let me be easy on the man that's down
Let me be square and generous with all
I'm careless sometimes, Lord, when I'm in town
But never let them say I'm mean or small
Make me as big and open as the plains
And honest as the horse between my knees
Clean as a wind that blows behind the rains
Free as the hawk that circles down the breeze
Forgive me, Lord, if sometimes I forget
You know about the reasons that are hid
You understand the things that gall or fret
Well, you knew me better than my mother did
Just keep an eye on all that's done or said
And right me sometimes when I turn aside
And guide me on that long, dim trail ahead
That stretched upward toward the great divide
Oh, bury me not on the lone prairie
These words came low and mournfully
From the pallid lips of a youth who lay
On his dying bed at the close of day
Oh, bury me not and his voice failed there
But we took no heed to his dying prayer
In a shallow grave just six by three
We buried him there on the lone prairie.

Johnny Cash récite la classique "Prière du Cowboy", et ne chante que les huit dernières lignes (chanson dont il ne reprend qu'une partie). Rien n'interdit de chanter l'ensemble du texte, sur le lent balancement de la mélodie mélancolique telle qu'adaptée par Johnny Cash.
Toute l'atmosphère du Western est là, jusqu'à la mort solitaire du héros.
Ne m’enterrez pas
Seigneur, je ne montre aucune piété
J’aime ta création telle qu’elle était
Le septième jour quand, l’ayant terminée,
Tu l’as jugée bonne et nous l’as donnée.
La lumière filtrée par la transparence
Des vitraux peut susciter la croyance.
Pourtant, moi, ce soir, je sens ta présence
A la belle étoile, sur la plaine immense.
Merci, Seigneur, pour ma place si bonne,
Et pour ma liberté si totale
Que je ne suis ni esclave qu’on sonne
Ni rentier prisonnier d’un capital.
Fais que ma vie soit demain comme hier,
Que je travaille sous le ciel en plein air,
Que soleil et vent soient mes partenaires ;
Il n’en faut pas plus pour me satisfaire.
Que j’épargne celui qui est à terre,
Et sois généreux avec mon prochain ;
Quand je suis en ville, je n’me laisse pas faire,
Mais je ne suis ni méchant ni mesquin.
Que j’aie l’esprit ouvert, grand comme les plaines,
Franc comme le cheval dont je tiens les rênes,
Pur comme le vent qui balaye les feuillages,
Libre comme l’aigle au dessus des nuages.
Pardonne-moi, Seigneur, pour mes négligences,
Tu connais les raisons de mes silences ;
Tu sais ce qui m’irrite ou qui m’offense ;
Mieux que ma mère, tu sondes ma conscience.
Surveille des yeux mes actes et mes dires ;
Aide-moi si tu me vois défaillir,
Et guide moi au long de ce voyage
Qui conduit vers Toi par le grand passage.
« Ne m’enterrez pas seul sur la prairie »
Murmurait avec mélancolie,
De ses lèvres pâles, un adolescent
Sur son lit de mort, sous le firmament.
« Ne m’enterrez pas », et sa voix s’éteint
Il dit sa dernière prière en vain ;
A six pieds sous terre, dans un trou discret
Seul sur la prairie, nous l’avons enterré.
(Traduction : Polyphrène)
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